Tom is a Fulbright and Rothschild post-doctoral fellow at the University of Southern California Mind and Society center.
Previous Degrees:
PhD candidate, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
M.A. in Cognitive Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
LL.B. in Law and Cognitive Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research with Dr. Mayo:
Tom Noah completed her PhD at the Hebrew University under the supervision of Dr. Ruth Mayo and Prof. Yaacov Schul in 2018, specializing in the study of rationality.
Her PhD research investigated how the feeling of being observed by others affects reliance on metacognitive experiences and facial feedback when making judgments.
Selected publications:
Noah, T., Schul, Y., & Mayo, R. (2018). Thinking of oneself as an object of observation reduces reliance on metacognitive information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(7), 1023-1042.
Noah, T., Schul, Y., & Mayo, R. (2018). When both the original study and its failed replication are correct: Feeling observed eliminates the facial-feedback effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(5), 657-664.