Bat-El Terehovsky


Today, Bat-El studies Clinical Psychology in IDC, and researches the moderating role Parental Mentalization on the relationship between Infant Negative Emotionality (Temperamental component) and Maternal Sensitivity, under the supervision of Dr. Tahli Frenkel, IDC.


Previous degrees:

M.A. student in Experimental Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

B.A. in Psychology and Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Research with Dr. Mayo:

Bat-El is mainly interested in the implications of distrust mindset on the willingness to be exposed to information that contradicts our attitudes. Mayo, Alfasi and Schwarz (2014) found that people engaged in a distrust mindset, test their hypotheses in a way that refutes their own beliefs. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that under a mindset of distrust, people would be more willing to be exposed to information that contradicts their attitudes. Our hypothesis was confirmed in one experiment and now, in collaboration with Dr. Tom Noah, we would like to continue to test this field.