Publications | Ruth.Mayo


Yaacov Schul, Mayo, Ruth , and Burnstein, Eugene . 2008. The Value Of Distrust. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 5, Pp. 1293–1302.
Yaacov Schul, Mayo, Ruth , Burnstein, Eugene , and Yahalom, Naomi . 2007. How People Cope With Uncertainty Due To Chance Or Deception. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 1, Pp. 91–103.
Yaacov Schul, Mayo, Ruth , and Burnstein, Eugene . 2004. Encoding Under Trust And Distrust: The Spontaneous Activation Of Incongruent Cognitions.. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 86, 5, Pp. 668.
Ruth Mayo, Schul, Yaacov , and Burnstein, Eugene . 2004. “I Am Not Guilty” Vs “I Am Innocent”: Successful Negation May Depend On The Schema Used For Its Encoding. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 4, Pp. 433–449.
Yaacov Schul and Mayo, Ruth . 2003. Searching For Certainty In An Uncertain World: The Difficulty Of Giving Up The Experiential For The Rational Mode Of Thinking. Journal Of Behavioral Decision Making, 16, 2, Pp. 93–106.
Yaacov Schul and Mayo, Ruth . 1999. Two Sources Are Better Than One: The Effects Of Ignoring One Message On Using A Different Message From The Same Source. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 35, 4, Pp. 327–345.